Our Appartments - Casa Nocolino at PoggioDiNOCOLA

Welcome to PoggioDiNocola and especially Casa Nocolino !


PoggioDiNocola is a condomium/complex that exist of 3 identical buildings all constructed around a centrally owned swimming-pool and nice Year-Round maintained garden. The 3 buildings were constructed by CESA Constuzione located in Cecina and first Appartments were ready and sold per 2015. The 3 buildings from left to right are named " Sughera, Ulivio and Cipresse" and have each 8 apartments per building.


Casa Nocolino is the name of currently 2 Privately owned apartments that are located in this condomium and are available for rent. Ulivio-H is available per AirBNB and Sughera-B is only allocated upon private e-mail request and mainly rented to friends or relatives. More or less only on invitation or passed on requests by acquaintances.


This website thus refers to our privately owned Appartments. Please do visit same website address but ending with (.it) for hiring options through Mirko Bruci (CESA) who rents-out also a number of Appartments that are owned by CESA Construction company.


Rogier Post.